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The Creative Alchemy of Fine-Art Photography

Alpha Universe

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Many people associate photography with capturing reality, and in most cases this is accurate. A photograph of a finish line, for example, clearly shows the race’s winner. Consider, however, what occurs when the camera angle is altered. Suddenly, the roles of winner and loser may become ambiguous. By shifting their perspective, photographers can profoundly transform not only the image itself but also the narrative it conveys and the emotions it evokes. This is what fine-art photography is all about.

This new online workshop with Thibault Roland goes beyond a perspective shift, offering a unique educational opportunity tailored for individuals eager to enhance their skills and delve into the realm of creative photography. Over the course of our weekly sessions, you acquire an array of new techniques in long exposure, infrared photography, minimalism, and tilt/shift. You also learn a number of Thibault’s best post-processing techniques, which promise to lift your images to new heights.

By engaging in weekly assignments and receiving constructive image reviews, you witness a noticeable improvement in your photographic abilities. You also discover how the rigorous creative process of working in black and white can positively impact your photography overall, including your approach to color photography.

Join Thibault for a transformative deep dive that invites you to enhance your craft and elevate your vision.

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