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Image Selection after a long trip


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I just returned from a three week trip abroad and I am going through my images. When I return from a trip of many weeks I can have 10,000-20,000 images to look through and  I want to share how i tackle such a large number of photos and my work flow.

I tag my photos on my initial pass with a color or a star, and I  pick a lot of photos without stopping to look at the details or doing any sort of  comparison. I think it is necessary on the first pass to be fast and reactive and not dwell on any images or you will never get through your take. The next day I look through the first pass and start getting a bit more judgemental and specific in my choices. This set of photos have another color or two stars. After waiting a day or two I go through the 'second' set of choices. This is the point where the process becomes tedious as I really compare the details in similar images and try to decide which is the best. I pick a thrid color or assign three stars to these images. At this point I would have narrowed things down to 500-800 images with this third star or color. A day or two later  I bring in another person to look at the photographs with a fresh set of eyes and I would hope to cut the photos down to 300- 500 images at this point. These final images will have four starts or a fourth color. These final raw images are then processed, renamed and put into my archival catalogue.

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First I have to say is wow! I don't think I could shoot 10000 to 20000 in 3 weeks even if I just keep pressing the shutter while eating. I admire the dedication Ira and the efforts in all parts of the process you take.

Do you not do any passes during the trip? let's say while transiting from one area to another. I'm assuming you're taking more photos during transits.

Would kindly elaborate on the memory part of the process. For example, where do you offload the images during the trip, once you start the selection process, where do the the final passed images go for processing, and where the rejected images live after a pass.

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