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Announcing a LIVE AMA with Caroline Jensen


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Could contain: Flower, Flower Arrangement, Plant, Flower Bouquet, Art, Painting, Rose, Petal, Floral Design, Pattern

Caroline Jensen (@CarolineJensen) is a botanical photographer, Sony Brand Ambassador, and flower farmer.  It’s our pleasure to announce that Caroline will be participating in a text based AMA here on the forums on March 13th from 4-6pm EST!!

If you’d like to ask a question ahead of the event, post it in this thread and our forum moderators will make sure that they’re posted for Caroline to answer during the event. 

If you can’t make it to the live AMA, never fear! The event will become a forum topic once it is finished, so you’ll be able to read all the questions and answers afterwards. 

We hope to see you there!

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Hello! Thank you Caroline and Sony for this event! Here are my questions for Caroline.

1) How long did it take to build a significant community around your work?

2) What are some tips and strategies for an artist wanting to grow a community around their work?

3) Approximately what percentage of your income comes from print sales and how long did it take for sales to become consistent?

4) What other income streams have you established around your art?


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