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Solar Eclipse Photo Challenge

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Do you plan on capturing the awe-inspiring spectacle of this years Total Solar Eclipse? Or have you captured past eclipses? If so, we'd love to see the stunning images you've created during these rare astronomical events. Tell us about how you captured your images, what your setup process was like, and anything else that went into capturing this eclipse! Each contributor will earn points towards our community ranks!

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Hello, I want to share my adventure with Solar Eclipse, The first time I saw a total eclipse, I decided to go all in and try what I could get. 

I used a Sony 200-600 with 2x teleconverter and a Sony a7IV, I am so happy with the results. 

It was shot from around the Bloomington, IN location. 

Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon, Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse

Could contain: Astronomy, Eclipse, Nature, Night, Outdoors, Lunar Eclipse, Moon

Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon, Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse

Could contain: Astronomy, Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Moon, Nature, Night, Outdoors

Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon, Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse

Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Moon, Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse

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  • alpha-jessica-a changed the title to Solar Eclipse Photo Challenge
This post was recognized by alpha-jessica-a!

"Awesome shots!!"

apurcell was awarded 25 points.

This was my first total eclipse and my first in the path of totality. I used my A7RIII and 100-400 GM. I received my solar filter less than a week prior to the eclipse and in that week I did not get to practice with it due to rainy weather.

In the early partial phase of the eclipse I was using F8, 1/1000, ISO 250 and bracketing 3 shots 1 stop apart so I had plenty to choose from. As we approached totality I began to do either a 7 or 9 shot bracket 1 stop apart which ranged the SS from 1/30-1/2500. The clouds that passed through from time to time made exposure a bit of a challenge. 

I'm pretty happy with what I captured and nothing can compare to being there and seeing it live, it was an amazing, otherworldly experience. I do wish I had closed off my aperture a bit more to catch the diamond ring a bit better but it moved so quick. 

Could contain: Nature, Night, Outdoors, Astronomy, Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Moon

Edited by apurcell
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I had a fantastic time filming the eclipse last week but it wasn't without some challenge! The first area I set up in got super clouded in about 2 hours before show time so I made a game-time decision to drive an hour north to find a clearer spot and it paid off!!

Here are 3 of my favorite shots; the first one shows all of the phases of totality, the second is more of an artistic shot of the eclipse and the 3rd is a composite I made using a 5 bracketed stacked photo. All of these were shot on my Sony A7RV + 200-600 + 2x Extender. 

Can't wait to see more photos from everyone else's journey!! 

Could contain: Astronomy, Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Moon, Nature, Night, Outdoors

Could contain: Astronomy, Eclipse, Flare, Light, Moon, Nature, Night, Outdoors, Lunar Eclipse


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