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Gear Question

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Hello OwlDude24! I currently have 2 Sony A1s, and recently purchased the Sony A9iii. I have the following Sony lenses: 600mm; 200-600mm; 70-200mm; 24-70mm; 16-35mm; 50mm; and 90mm. Most often I find I'm working with the 600mm, the 24-70mm, and the 200-600mm. Love the 70-200mm and trying to find more opportunities to use it. 

I love both the A1 and A9iii, for different reasons. The A9iii has some incredible features such as PreCapture, 120 fps when needed (and the boost button that quickly gets you there), and what I have found to be an incredible, matchless Eye-AF ability that in my experience surpasses the A1's by quite a bit. But I still love my A1, so much, and the greater resolution of it over the A9iii makes it a solid workhorse for me for much of my shooting. Esp when it comes to small birds small in the frame!

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