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Conservation photography

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Hello Melissa! Thanks for taking the time to answer questions here.

Could you describe your approach to conservation photography? What do you hope to achieve through your work?

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Hello EJohnson! 

Thanks for your questions! Gosh I could write pages in response to these, but will try to be less longwinded than usual. (-: 

If nothing else, I have learned that any success in this field relies on building relationships. Relationships with other like-minded photographers, with photo editors at both publications and organizations, and with conservationists, scientists, and writers. I cannot overstate the importance of that. For hardcore introverts like me, it sometimes can be challenging, but I know that I will go nowhere if I don't have allies and partners across a broad range of fields. Having those relationships opens up possibilities for stories you could pitch, for assignments you could be given, for referrals. 

I am also very aware of how important integrity and ethics is to this arena. In photography in general, your reputation is everything. Once you have lost the trust of your audience, or of your business partners or fellow photographers, you are kind of sunk. It's important to be forthcoming and transparent in captioning, conscientious and careful with your field work, and reliable in all respects. 

Because I have worked hard to build relationships over a decade of so as a conservation photographer, I am fortunate to get approached from time to time to do assignments. But I also take the initiative to approach publications with story ideas. And to approach writers and biologists as well. Working with others lends power to your pitch. And never be afraid to be bold and send out pitches. What is the worst that can happen? 

In terms of story ideas, I light on these by tuning into what I am really passionate about: e.g., advocating for threatened and endangered species and their habitats; promoting better care of our local ecological communities; and enhancing appreciation of any being that is misunderstood and mistreated, esp predators. If your heart is really in a story, it becomes much easier to sell it, and to do a great job. Finding local stories is the best, because then you can really dive in deeply.

What do I hope to achieve? I hope to open people's eyes to the multi-species communities we all live among, but often don't notice or care for, but which are vital to our own well-being, in a number of ways. I hope to impact legislation that positively impacts conservation , directly or indirectly. And I hope to have helped appreciation for and preservation of at least some wild beings and the places they require in order to continue living. 

I hope this at least in part answers your questions! Let me know if not and I can try again! 



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