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Discuss, share & explore photography, video, vlogging and making the most of your gear.


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Everything posted by alpha-jessica-a

  1. I love that, you're cementing a memory with the way you capture things.
  2. Question from socials: What do you enjoy the most about shooting landscapes?
  3. Question from socials: What's your favorite time of day to shoot?
  4. Question from socials: Why did you switch to Sony?
  5. Question from sowil: "Can you walk through your day-to-day camera set up, and what gear is your go-to?"
  6. Question from Nodav: "What are your tips for someone just getting started in landscape photography?"
  7. We had a few questions come in from our AMA announcement thread, so to kick things off here's a question from AvMil: "I have a question - can you talk through your basic setup for night photos? I struggle with night sky photos"
  8. We’re excited to have Ryan Ditch in the community for this live AMA. This is a great time to learn and connect with Ryan on his work, ask questions about how he got to the level he is at today and any tips or tricks you’d like to know! Please be patient, as Ryan will be typing responses out as questions come in.
  9. @Ryan Ditch Photo is a San Diego based landscape and commercial photographer who is deeply passionate about community and education. Ryan is here to answer questions you may have about landscape photography, working with commercial clients, gear, editing, and building community around your photography work. You can check out some of Ryan’s work on his Instagram.
  10. Love the emotion you've captured in these images! Wedding photography is one of my favorites, such special memories to capture! What equipment did you use for this wedding?
  11. @Ryan Ditch Photo is a San Diego based landscape and commercial photographer who is deeply passionate about community and education. You can see some articles he’s been featured in here and here. It’s our pleasure to announce that Ryan will be participating in a text based AMA here on the forums on October 12th from 3 - 5pm PST! If you’d like to ask a question ahead of the event, post it in this thread and our forum moderators will make sure that they’re posted for Ryan to answer during the event. If you can’t make it to the live AMA, never fear! The event will become a forum topic once it is finished, so you’ll be able to read all the questions and answers afterwards. We hope to see you there!
  12. For this month's Forum Feature we are thrilled to highlight Hamad Alhendi, also known as @LensBrew. Hamad is a great member of our Forum community and a fantastic photographer. Here is how Hamad describes himself and his passion for photography: I’m a PhD student in the field of Mechanical Engineering, researching AI imaging and image processing. I’m also the Photography Editor for Virginia Tech’s Collegiate Times. From a young age, my passions have ranged from sports to technology to photography. My journey in photography started by tinkering with my dad’s old camera and experimenting with many rolls of film. Whenever we traveled, I took the opportunity to grab a disposable camera and enjoy pressing the shutter. Photography has always been a source of excitement and fascination for me. As my skills grew, I found joy in capturing different subjects like sports, fitness, and cultural scenes during my travels. I got inspired by a multitude of photographers and how their image stirred my emotions. I felt connected to the subjects and in the scene. I aspire to capture life’s most beautiful moments and immortalize those precious memories that define us. From the thrill of a game day to the rich diversity of new locations. And, as a tech enthusiast, I am continuously exploring new avenues to enhance my skills and showcase my work. A visual journey through life. And here is some of his fantastic imagery: Shot on Sony A9 II and Sony 135 GM Shot on the Sony A7RIV and Sony 35 GM Shot on the Sony a9 II and Sony 135 GM And check out the gear he relies on to make his imagery HERE. Thank you @LensBrew for being such an active and supportive member of the Sony community! If you’d like to be featured in a forum spotlight, we’d love to see you share some of your work here in the forums! You can get involved in our August Photo Dump thread, show us a grandscape image you’ve taken, or create a new topic to showcase your own niche. We look forward to seeing what you share!
  13. I went back through some of my winter shots and this one is my favorite! I took this by my neighbors house in the middle of winter. It was one of those days when it had thawed a little the day prior, then we got fresh snow and the snow settled just right on the branches so it makes the trees look like they're made of ice. Winter's here in Minnesota can be long and arduous, but it's days like this that make you stick around.
  14. Love the story behind these shots and the behind the scenes snaps, too! Thank you so much for sharing!
  15. I went to NY for the first time in August, so here's a few shots from my time there!
  16. Hello friends! We're looking at creating some clubs for the forums. Clubs would be based around locations, a place for you to connect and chat with other photographers in your area. The difference between clubs and a regular thread, is a club would be a central location for all posts for the club, and would make it easy to stay up to date with all posts from the club without risking it being missed within general forum activity.
  17. You can check out all of Matt's answers from the AMA here:
  18. You might find this alpha universe article helpful, too.
  19. Question from socials: What's your go-to lens?
  20. Yes! After this event, this whole conversation will be saved as a forum topic! Should be available within 10 minutes after the event ends.
  21. AI has been touched on in our forums previously, too - there was a topic discussing it here.
  22. Matt is answering your questions right now here:
  23. Question from socials: How much editing do you typically do?
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