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Everything posted by CarolineJensen

  1. Nothing beats getting your image 90% right in camera! I would dissect favorite images that you find online...Pinterest, IG, etc. Dissect what you love about them and try and figure out the lighting. This is where a photography mentor is helpful because they can often visually ID what is going on behind the scenes. You save so much money when you know just want you are trying to accomplish.
  2. During flower season I am shooting multiple times per day! I often shoot both early morning and sunset as well as studio shots mid day.
  3. I was thinking about DaVinci too. I think Sony has their own basic editor too.
  4. I use neutral often too! The fade function gives that washed out look of improperly exposed film..the shadows are lifted. You can adjust the amount or turn it off, in camera.
  5. Honestly, I LOVE the IN color look, so I often use those for my own shots for my family. If we are on vacation I just use the jpegs!
  6. I am doing product videos and I'm getting the FX30. What lens do I want if I love the 35mm range? Give me your favorite suggestions, please!
  7. I'm mashing up a lot of my previous creative endeavors into something practical, haha! I'm making creating product photography.
  8. Following...looking for a better system!
  9. That is an interesting thought. I am kind of interested in the FX-30 for that reason too.
  10. I am actually making video mockups for print on demand products. That means I need to crop the video to meet the requirements of place the product is going to be listed...eBay, Etsy, Amazon, etc. I want a basic editor that isn't complicated. I have Premiere pro, but it tends to be overkill for ten second videos.
  11. I shoot raw all the time, but I am kind of in love with the IN Creative Look. I turn that on when I do raw+jpeg. I have to turn the fading down a lot though. What is your favorite?
  12. This is the ideal set up. 🙂 I still need to get the A1.
  13. I used to be a chronic wide open shooting as I LOVE bokeh, but then I flipped that on its head last year and was shooting at f16 with the same lenses, haha! I love both!
  14. Yep, size and weight is always a premium. Apple computers seem to do the same thing. 🙂
  15. I love the 1.2 apertures, but I am SO happy with my 50 1.2 that I am not too antsy for the 85 version. The 50 is stellar!
  16. Awesome! I have heard about TK8, but have never used it. It looks amazing!
  17. That is really interesting and I'm sure it opened up some free time for you too!
  18. This is fascinating and so very helpful. It just shows that each camera body has its own unique properties.
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