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Everything posted by CarolineJensen

  1. Thank you for the wisdom! It is really applicable to all shooting!
  2. WOW! Very cool. Thank you for sharing!
  3. I'd love a tutorial on this. Is there a way to really lock down a long lens for long exposure shots? It seems wind is my nemesis!
  4. Social media is hard, haha! Here are mine, but please share yours below! IG: @carolinej Twitter: @Floralphoto
  5. All your thoughts are great for inspiration! Playing with color manipulation sounds like it would be right up your alley!
  6. It looks like you had a very busy year shooting! Lovely images!
  7. I am thinking about trying a new look for my photography in 2023. Up until this point I have been all about dark and moody, with high details. This year I feel like it is time to step out and get more bold with color and brighter with light. I am a little timid to try new things as I am super comfortable where I have been, BUT I feel that inking of burn out happening. Boredom has started to set in. Have you ever had that happen? What is your editing style? Are you keen on keeping things clean and natural or do you like to really change the look of your images in editing?
  8. What a fun take on a really fun parade!!
  9. I want to shoot more on the water this year. Nothing like floating around with expensive gear, haha!
  10. I think it depends on what and how you shoot. I believe the new jump in tech with the AI processor really puts the RIV in a new category. I love mine!
  11. Do you have images to go with this? I really want to see how you connect the two!
  12. I think this is a fun take on a busy scene! I like the energy here.
  13. I love my 16-35 GM for that, but yes, the wider the better!
  14. These are wonderful! I love how you got in really close that.
  15. I use an insert in a Jansport backpack...inconspicuous! For heavier things I like a rolling pelican case. Shoulder bags really hurt unless they have a wide cross-body strap.
  16. What a great camera and lens pairing! Looks amazing!
  17. I love your minimalist, but colorful clean and pretty!
  18. YAY!! You are going to have so much fun!
  19. I actually didn't ask for or get any photography gear, save for a 20TB hard drive. My gift to myself is to re-do my office. I bought a petite vintage desk and the external was to clean up the mountain of externals I currently have collecting dust in a pile under my desk. I also am planning on making a seamless pattern with my floral images and adding a wall mural behind my desk. What did you get?
  20. I went with the a7r5. 🙂 I really love the screen tilt!
  21. Yes, that is where I have been too. I will sell something at a premium and then the lull happens. It's so tricky!
  22. That is what I am looking for...emotional impulse buyers at scale. 🙂
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