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Everything posted by CarolineJensen

  1. Yes, I get that! I am looking at easy images that catch those impulse buyers. I guess it all depends on your end goal.
  2. Yes, visibility is a win! It takes 90 days or so to get ranked on Etsy, so getting eyes on your work will definitely help once you are entrenched in their algorithm!
  3. Have you found any trending aesthetics that sell? I have been doing a lot of market research, with the hopes of creating prints that tap into current wall art trends. If you sell a lot of prints, have you noticed some work sells better than other work? I would love to hear about it!
  4. One of the most frustrating things for new photographers is getting great exposure. My first and best tip for shooting indoors is to modify the light in your home. Invest in floor lamps with daylight balanced bulbs and purchase an LED panel or two (or three!). If you want to up your game, get a strobe and shoot it at the windows to fill the room with light or bounce it off a white ceiling. It will make shooting family and friends so much easier--especially family events, like holiday parties. Light can be intimidating, which is why just changing out your bulbs for daylight balanced ones is my first tip. That alone can make your images so much better! Why bother with bulbs? Well, it helps to make your images color-consistent anywhere in your home. As someone who thought it was a bright idea to add yellow Edison lights to my whole home...I learned my lesson! 😂
  5. Yes! I get more confused when the camera makes decisions for me. 😂
  6. Glorious, Drew! I am impressed with the 50 1.2. It's my favorite lens, but I don't think I'd run to it for landscapes. Now, I will!
  7. I think it depends on how closely you follow the script. A verbatim read off seems more like a newscast, but if you use it to stay on track, then I bet it's amazing. It's easy to get off into the weeds without an outline.
  8. I am all for this. I really don't like talking to the camera unless I am teaching something specific. Shooting from the shooter's POV seems more intimate somehow.
  9. Which one did you convert? I have my original a7s and was thinking of doing this!
  10. I am a minimalist at heart. I usually just travel with one body and one lens. My camera bag also has all my clothes for up to a week. It is all the chargers and cords that are most annoying as they take up almost as much space as the camera and lens! I'm partial to the 50 1.2.
  11. I am looking forward to the focus bracketing for flower arrangements next summer. I'm excited to stack many f16 images and get total depth!
  12. May I ask where you shot these? They are gorgeous!
  13. Fun topic! I like the very old 55 1.8. That lens is amazing and so sharp! It is one of the oldest lenses we have too.
  14. I 100% agree with this! Personal projects really fuel our visual voice.:)
  15. When you send the images to your phone, they may be in a very small format. If you shot raw and then open in Lr, the files will be in color because raw is all the data, including color. If you shot raw + jpeg, then you may have both black and white and color in your Lr once you import.
  16. I am a night owl, BUT next year I am making myself a morning person because that is when the baby birds are on the water. 🙂
  17. I am going to get more into waterfowl photography. It requires a lot of paraphernalia that I don't have, so I am shopping!
  18. That is what I was thinking. I am looking forward to the challenge!
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