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Everything posted by IraBlock

  1. I love the 135 G master. The 135 length gives the nicest shape to face most faces when working on tight closeups. For half body shots I too love the 55mm 1.8, it's an oldie but goodie.
  2. I create lightboxes on Photodeck, it works well for me.
  3. Your tutorial was terrific and really cleared up any confusion I had about time lapse - thanks!
  4. Really beautiful effect, it really has mood .
  5. Yes, I too would love to see this camera happen. I would also like to see it with a 28mm lens 😀. I know the 35mm is a favorite, but when i do environmental portraits I like a bit more 'width' and environment in the background. But I would gracefully accept the 35mm...
  6. We all know that horrible feeling when you get home after a long trip and start going through your images, only to find that each one of them has a big dust spot on it. In the field I carry a rubber blower to try to keep the sensor clean, and at times I turn on the camera's cleaning mode which does that crazy shake. That is all I do. Many years ago I bought some sensor cleaning kit at Photo Plus and totally smudged my sensor, I learned my lesson. Since that incident I will not touch the sensor - I send my cameras out to have them professionally cleaned. The great news is that the Sony a1 has solved some of the problem with its protective curtain, which I am very grateful for. Is there someone out there brave enough to clean your own sensor, and what do you use?
  7. Yes, from the world of cellphones i think many photographers have gravitated towards the monitor. But i feel much better with the viewfinder 😆
  8. Since i am a veteran photographer from the ancient days of film, I prefer shooting using the electronic viewfinder. Of course I use the monitor if I am doing a high angle or low angle shot. When I am shooting portraits on a tripod the monitor is very helpful. In this situation, the monitor gives me the ability to interact 'face to face' with my subjects and capture their best expression. If I am hand holding the camera and the subject is moving or I am moving, I find the viewfinder helps me obtain a more precise composition. The other advantage to the viewfinder is that when you shoot at slow shutter speeds, bracing the camera against your face with your elbows close to your body gives you the ultimate support for a steady image. If you are holding the camera in front of you looking at the monitor you are definitely going to be shaky. Which do you prefer, and why?
  9. you do what you feel best doing in any art form. If you are doing photography as a business you normally will specialize, but as a hobby you don't have those restrictions so you are wide open to make any choices as they come along.
  10. The new 24-70 GMii and 70-200 GMii are amazing lenses. I was blown away by their sharpness. I usually work in pretty dirty conditions, so as much as i love primes the zooms are part of my life.
  11. How does the larger FX9 fit into your work? I always find people more comfortable around a smaller camera setup.
  12. I try to keep things simple, so i shoot in S-Cinetone. Minimal grading and if using multiple cameras the profiles look the same.
  13. Given the current circumstances, Aaron Judge hitting his 61 and 62 home run. The setting in the stadium is electric... Might be tonight !!
  14. It may work, bit the wind would create havoc on the tent,😲
  15. It not only gets into your equipment, but my clothing was totally filled with sand upon my return
  16. I would go with my 55mm 1.8. It is one of the early Sony lenses, but i still think it is one of the sharpest. And i love the small size - when photographing indigenous cultures i like have a small lens that does not intimidate my subjects.
  17. Don- Incredible shot!! I will have to give lightning photography a try..
  18. The great low light ability of the Sony sensors makes it perfect for night shooting. And night shooting to me is always a zen experience. !!!
  19. I liked the small bodies and lenses, and the great low light capability. That is why i switched from my heavy DSLRs to Sony. No regrets!!!
  20. That is some light weight kit. Your sound equipment is probably heavier than your camera gear!!!!!!
  21. I just returned from a two week trip to Morocco. Working in the desert can be grueling on you and your equipment. It is important to protect your gear from the high heat and sand. Of course changing lenses leaves your cameras very vulnerable, which is why working with two bodies and two zoom lenses is a way of keeping sand and dirt off your sensor. I also will use 'rain' covers on my equipment if shooting during a sand storm. And in a world of wearing a masks, keeping a mask over your mouth and nose will protect your lungs; and if you are in a sandstorm, googles are critical so you can see. Any other suggestions ????
  22. See you in a few days
  23. Hi Welcome to the Sony Alpha community. I have been a photographer for many, many years. The last 30 working with National Geographic and traveling the globe. My career has been about cultural documentary photography and telling the stories of people around the world. I have been a Sony Artisan for seven years and i am very knowledgeable about all the fabulous innovations from Sony. Like everyone the pandemic set my travel back for awhile but i am now up and running again!! If you have any questions about my career or Sony equipment i will be happy to answer them. You can follow me on instagram @irablockphoto My website is Facebook
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