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Everything posted by Drew_Geraci

  1. Yasss!! Get it. I love that approach. We always have to keep reinventing ourselves 🙂
  2. I've been working in TV/Film for practically my entire career, shooting both video and photo (timelapse) and I'm finding the more I do it the more it feels less exciting and more like just another job. I miss the feeling of what it felt like when I first started almost 20 years ago. I've since come to terms with this realization but I've also found there's more to this industry that I've wanted to explore so I'm going to do just that. I'm planning on starting a new business separate from the one I've already made so I can create my own happiness for the type of work that makes me happy (while still maintaining my 'regular' work). Has anyone else ever felt this way? Have you switched gears from one genre to the next? Always curious about others' journeys - would love to hear yours!
  3. That's a great setup to use! I love my A1 w/ the 200-600mm or even the 400mm GM but I have to say, it doesn't matter what you use so as long as you're having a great time doing it!
  4. This is quite common and I don't believe there's any reason you'd need to take your lens back or have it replaced.
  5. I've always wanted to shoot couples in intimate situations and I plan on starting a new business to do just that! I mainly work in TV/Film so this should be a fun exercise. Love the photos and can't wait to hear more about your journey!
  6. Fantastic set of imagery!
  7. Love your style - the color and contrast are wonderful! Keep up the awesome work.
  8. Spent the last couple of days playing around with the most recent firmware update for the Airpeak and I have to say that the drone is a night and day difference in terms of performance from where it was a year ago. I love being able to mix and match bodies and lenses without too much hassle. The 16-35PZ might be my new favorite lens for the unit (next to the 85mm which looks cinematic as all heck!). While the Airpeak isn't the best for lightweight travel if you're using it for actual productions it's definitely a must-have. I think once the new longer lasting batteries launch we'll see a huge leap in ownership. If you haven't tried one out yet I highly suggest it!! What's something that you'd like to see feature-wise from the Airpeak?
  9. Definitely pick up the 50mm 1.2 - it's one of Sony's BEST lenses for... anything 🙂 It almost always lives on my A1. HAha. Great shots by the way!
  10. It's a huge leap going from a T3i to an A7IV!! Congrats on the new cam - I'm sure you'll rock it out!
  11. Love the composition! I think black and white works great, especially when you can use highlights to really define your subjects and super-rich dark blacks to contrast the highlights. While this comment is going to be subjective, I think if you increased the highlights on your subjects so you have a pure white focus point in the scene, you'd see the shot dramatically change and truly define your subject.
  12. Great shots, Tony!! Definitely a fairytale. New Zealand is that for me.
  13. Most people who judge photography in a negative way are usually just trying to compensate for their own lack of creativity and success; the easiest thing to do is not take it to heart and simply nod your head and move on.
  14. If you have the money for it, it's a 'nice to have' in certain situations but if you already have the 1.4 then you're not really missing out on much. I do love it with my 70-200mm Mk2 though; it's nice having a 400 f4 with super fast AF.
  15. Really dig the compositions! If you make the shots a little bit more contrasty and add a little punch to them they'll be even more magical. Great work!
  16. After a day of playing around with the new 'focus bracketing' features on the A7RV I've found that it's probably one of the best new features and additions to the Alpha lineup. It makes getting complete and total focus for macro photography possible and the results are fantastic!! I was able to do a 12-image stack of this cactus and achieve full focus throughout the entire part of the plant which I've never been able to do. I definitely hope Sony adds this in a firmware update to the other existing cameras out there because it's a game-changer! What are you going to use focus stacking for?
  17. I recently had the opportunity to use the A7RV with the 50mm 1.2 out in the field for a project and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the way that they pair. I don't know why but I prefer the image quality over my A1 (when it comes to portraits) and I'll probably be picking up another 7RV just because it's that good. What other lenses have you used with the 7RV and which is your favorite?!
  18. Love this!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
  19. Yeah, the 100mm has surprisingly great sharpness and great blur!
  20. I think we've all been there before! There are a bunch of lenses I rarely use but when I need them I'm glad that I have them!
  21. The 12-24 is the best bang for your buck. It has a large wide range and it's great for landscape and architecture photography. There's nothing wrong with the 16-35mm but the AF motors on the 12-24 are far more responsive and the image sharpness on the 12-24 is something to marvel at. If you have the cash though, get both!! ha.
  22. Right on brother! Great highlight reels. I'm sure you're in high demand 😉
  23. Scheduling when you're not doing it fulltime (and have other responsibilities) can be difficult but if you're able to carve out time on the weekends or even later in the day during the workweek, you should be able to find time to shoot both as a hobby and/or make some side money.
  24. Love your shots - great compositions and lighting 🙂
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