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  1. I adore Melissa's work and can't wait to learn more from her next week! Melissa is an expert in conservation storytelling, photographing birds, ethics, and much more. Feel free to drop any questions here for Melissa to answer next week! To pop a question in, you'll first need to join the club. There's a "join club" button on the grey bar to the right of the Community Guidelines.
  2. I love seeing these side by side! It's intriguing to see the difference. I tend to agree, with such large file sizes I don't use crop mode, I just crop in post. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Hey everyone! I'm trying to set a camera up on a grassland bird nest and get photos of the babies being fed. I would need to be pretty far away so I don't disturb the birds. I was trying to use the Sony edge imaging app but you have to be fairly close for that. Does anyone know of a way to trigger photos from further away? I could always just put it on continuous shoot... I was just trying to think of another solution!
  4. Vital Impacts has announced our new round of grants and mentorships. They are offering one grant totaling $20,000 and six grants worth $5,000 each, all dedicated to nurturing documentary projects that spotlight solutions-based environmental narratives. In addition to the grants, Vital Impacts will select ten emerging photographers to participate in an intensive mentorship program and will invite all applicants to participate in an online mentorship series. The application deadline is July. Here's the link: Are any of you thinking of applying? What project are you dreaming about?!
  5. These are great! What do you shoot with?
  6. With my new job, I've been photographing more than ever - and I love it! But I'm super backlogged with editing 😅 What have you all been photographing? Show me below! Here's some of my May work:
  7. Hey everyone! Did you know that iLCP has a playlist on YouTube that is a collection of videos featuring iLCP members? It's a great place to start learning more about conservation storytelling. Check it out!
  8. I don't know about you all but I am so thrilled spring is here! I've been out photographing a ton of scientific research and recently that's been a lot of bird work! Here are a few of my favorite shots: American Kestrel baby bluebirds Eastern Meadowlark
  9. Since I photograph bees a ton, I loved this article on photographing pollinators in flight! Do any of you do a lot of macro photography? I'd love to see some below! Here are a few of mine:
  10. Congratulations on the publication Heather! I love that story, you did such a great job! What have you been photographing lately?
  11. Hi everyone! I'm Brooke, I'm on staff at iLCP. We are thrilled to have publicly launched this club today and hope to see many new members. I'd love to hear from you all below - please reply introducing yourself, letting us know where you are at in your conservation storytelling journey, and anything else you'd like to share. Welcome to this community space!
  12. Thanks for taking the time to chat with us Hannah! Long live the bees!
  13. I love the messaging of storytelling close to home!
  14. A key principle of iLCP's mission is to empower ethical conservation photography -- this means we regularly evaluate the ethics of community involvement, photo licensing, and even wildlife/photographer interactions. In our newest StoryMap, A Light Touch, iLCP Senior Fellow Doug Gimesy explores the ethics of photography with artificial light when photographing wildlife. Following a chaotic encounter with over-lit photography and the little penguins of Melbourne, Gimesy began to consider the impacts additional light could have on certain species. "What I saw that night started me thinking about the impact a photographer’s lighting could have on wildlife – whether using flash in the field or even on captive animals. Having been trained as a bioethicist, I really wanted to make sure I was doing the ‘right thing’." Check out the Story Map here:
  15. I have to head out but this was lovely! Thank you Katie for sharing so much great info!
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