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  1. Agreed! Now maybe the A mount ones will get lower in price lol
  2. Went to Northern Norway recently, rented the Tamron 35-150 and a backup APS-C body (which I didn't need fortunately). The lens was nice but just can't see myself using it on the regular. But what happened was the majority of my pics were of the Northern Lights, and I found myself needing something wider than 16/17mm! Still kicking myself for not renting the 12-24/2.8 instead of the 35-150. (side note, I also thought I would need a telephoto for Orcas but since I got a RIB tour, the 35-150 was perfect for it) Ever have that happen?
  3. Right now it's really the 200-600 so I can move away from a third party lens for super telephoto, BUT after being out with the Northern Lights these last 2 weeks I learned that I need something wider than 20. Wider than 16! I like the versatility of a zoom, so the 12-24 GM is catching my eye....
  4. I tried to use silent shutter at first with my A7IV, but even outdoors I was getting some weird results with adapted lenses - which may be why I was getting the weird results! I'll probably try it again, but for now I'm going to stick with mechanical until I ... perhaps.. can afford to upgrade to the A1 or another stacked sensor body
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