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  1. Hey guys, how are you doing? So, I have this idea in my mind since I started going to the mountains. I am a "popularizer" let's say, and teacher about specialty coffee, I have a little brand called "Astrofotografía y Café" and even though I found like a middle ground in terms of equipment, I always find it a bit difficult to actually organize things on my backpacks. Even the really expensive ones feel a bit cheap when it comes to sturdiness and practicality. That being said, you can find good backpacks for both photography and trekking in the mountains, but not so much for coffee lovers like me, who from time to time, has to film in the middle of a snowy mountain a little photoshoot for a coffee brand. My question is: do you recommend any brand at all that can accomodate to my needs? I'm even designing a backpack on my own to actually fix this problem. Thanks in advance.
  2. Should be the Sigma art 35 1.4 in my case, for probably 5 years already. I'm using a lot right now the Samyang 24 1.8 for astro. I go A LOT to the mountains, and every single gr I can save to let my back a little bit lighter is a must. I'm packing like 30 kgs sometimes and, well, that's kind of a lot even for me that I train regularly. I would love to go all Sony GMs to be honest, but the difference in weight is huge sometimes.
  3. My coffee and coffee grinder with my aeropress. I do astrophotography, and I need my coffee with me all night hahaha.
  4. Hello Cristina. You're such an inspiration, let me tell you that first. Now, I've been in Turin for the last months and I just saw that they're doing a photographic exhibition of your work and I was really happy to see that, planning to go with my wife and daughter. Now, I'd like to know, how do you manage the fear, anxiety and curiosity when working in these enviroments you usually work? As an astrophotographer, I sometimes get those feeling when I'm along in the mountains.
  5. Xperia is still my fav. I just love them. I'm planning to make the switch to the V or at least the IV in just a few months.
  6. Hey man, how are you doing? We're practically neighbours, both here in Europe like in South America, I'm from Argentina. Glad to see you here.
  7. Hello there alpha universe 👋 This may not be the typical topic in the forum, but I wanted to give it a try. I recently moved to Europe, right now, I'm in Italy with my wife, our daughter and our two cats, and it's been a little bit complicated, to say the least. We've been working with photography and graphic design for the last decade or so, and changing our country due to different reasons, it wasn't really the simplest decision, but we had to do it. I've been working on a different companies for the last year, but nothing related to photography. Today, I sent my resigntion to my current job because I couldn't do it anymore. I never stopped with photography and video, EVER, but it wasn't my primary income here. So, after learning the language we decided to finally give it a try. Question is, has any of you did this in the past? Any advice for a foreigner in a country like Italy who wants to move up its bussines? I don't know if we met the wrong people, but we saw a very closed... view of the world here. I don't, honestly, want to generalize, but sometimes we don't really know how to do it here. Maybe we're used to a different approach. We did a very organized separation between astrophotography workshops and events, like weddings and such, and we wanted to continue with that. Maybe, I don't know, tips about ads? I know it works very differently here in Europe. Anyway, I know my topic is a bit weird, but maybe some of you can give us a hand. Thanks in advance. Pablo.
  8. This image in particular... It's not spectacular per se, but it's the emotion and the memory I have behind the photo that clicks... One of those old days with friends, prior to a night of astrophotography in the country side in Argentina.
  9. I've been working, editing and trying out new things for the last two years since we arrived in Italy with my wife, my daughter and our cats. I had a little group of friends from my local observatory in Argentina, and I miss them A LOT. Even without them, my addiction for the stars is still the same, and here I am, walking down some hills in the border of France. I am a bit existential sometimes... and I have a result. In a video, about the perseids meteor shower (with english subtitles) Please, take a look and let me know what you think of it, feedback is much appreciated. Pablo.
  10. I've been researching quite a lot lately some mountains here in Italy where I've been living for the last two years, and last saturday I decided to finally climb up to a hill at 3100 mts. There is a tunnel inside of it, that starts in Italy and you get out in France. It's pretty amazing. While walking, I decided to bring my a7III with a vintage lens, a 44 Helios, totally manual, and even broken down piece of lens, but it gave me some amazing images, and, oh yes, I just LOVED how light the combo was. And also, been using a "preset", let's say, on my camera, so I can shoot in Black and white and see everything this way. It's so much fun honestly. I'm still trying to find the right balance between a good wide angle lens that I can also use for astro, but without breaking the bank, and also, it has to be a light one...
  11. The first real... influence in my, I think, it was made by David Mclain. I actually never heard of David until I saw his video for the a99, "The Calling". It was such a magical experience, a perfect combination of photography, story, videography, everything was there. And I had this tendency, still have it actually, of getting up really early in the morning, and at the same time, staying awake up until very VERY late at night, so it was a great combination for me because of the themes and stories of the video. It was so influential in me that I was desperately wanting to buy an a99, even though it was impossible for me at the time. A few months ago, I decided to write David on LinkedIn and he wrote me back. It was just a simple greeting, but it was awesome for me. After aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall of this, I can obviously name other photographers as well: Ansel Adams. After doing a photography course at the MoMa, I got in contact with his amazing body of work. Saul Leiter. Robert Frank. Anton Corbjin.
  12. Actually, there is, the only issue is that, they're not as reliable as one may think. I suppose is the balance of having something as compact as they can be with a little bit of quality. I remember using my 7III the first time on the beach and getting absolutely crazy about sand and salt. Nothing happened, I was really trusting the weather sealing of the camera, but I was a bit worried at the same time.
  13. Looks like a VERY advanced camera, but if it's aimed only to vlog type video creators, I believe is a bit pricey. When I heard the rumours, I was like, please Sony, make a photo only focused camera, like a succesor of the RX1r line up.... but I knew it was going to be impossible. Only in my dreams, but a FF camera with a fixed 35mm 1.4, super small, super compact below $1500 is possible... maybe?
  14. If I have to be tremendously honest, I'd love a zoom lens, like a 18-75 F1.4. So that way I can really carry just ONE lens. Probably, it will be HUGE in size, but considering lenses at the very end can only go as small as they are now, it wouldn't really be a problem. Yes, I'd prefer something smaller, but it's almost impossible, at least for now I think, so, yeah, that's my bet.
  15. I really thought it was a telephoto shot somewhere... about the music, it was just a thing of mine, I'm very, very critical with my videos when it comes to music and timing, but when I see it in other videos, most of the time, it works very well nonetheless, but I feel that it can be a bit improved. That's why I mentioned it. Now that you said the lenses you used, let me just ask you. What's it about the 35 GM? I mean, I'm using a Sigma ART 35 1.4, very similar to the GM, but so far, everything I've seen from the GM is better, the AF (particularly in video), the sharpness... is just almost magical. And one last thing, I just shared my last video, a very personal one, with timelapses as well. Would you like to see it? Amanzing content man.
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