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Posts posted by CuriousBirder

  1. Are you considering getting rid of one, getting one, or just have a general interest regarding them? I have both. I bought the 100-400 while my 200-600 was being repaired. Most of the time, the 200-600 wins. When a bird lets me get close, I prefer the 100-400 as it allows you to get closer. It's overall a better lens when doing macro. I find the AF to be faster and it is lighter which makes following faster objects easier. Hummingbirds allow me to get close, so the 200-600 is ok most of the time. A 600 prime in those cases would be worthless to me but great when dealing with birds further away.

  2. I will assume the unit you have might have an issue. But there are few things that you've mentioned about your set up that you should be aware of. Adding a teleconverter will increase your focal length, but at the same time will close up your aperture and soften your image. After all, you are adding more glass. This is "natural" for all teleconverters for all brands.

    Now as for the damage, there is a great chance it caused the issue. Even if it work for another body, this is considered circumstantial and should not be a reason to eliminate the lens as the cause. Not to mention, the new bodies are more demanding than the older ones, especially with the new AF AI. You are probably getting compounded issues there.

    My suggestion is as you wait for Pro support, ask a friend or a colleague to lend you the same lens, if possible, as test it out. That's one way to get better information on your body. Just make sure they didn't drop theirs too.

    Thank you for your input. I tried out my friend's lens and teleconverter prior to sending in both my 7R4 and lens in for repair.

  3. How close are you typically to the ducks? 200-600 gives you better range but is worse at lower light. You do have a 400 prime to help with lower light situations though. I don't know about primes, but a 100-400 with 1.4x is softer and lower reach then the 200-600 at 600. As long as you are farther away, the 600 is good. Closer up, the 600 is worthless. the 600 is what most birders I shot with use. I've used A7III, 7R4, and now 7R5. I was thinking of getting the 600 until I saw the minimum focal distance which I believe is twice that of the 200-600. My 200-600 is being repaired, and I am shooting with a 100-400 now which is pretty good at macro. First picture below with hummingbird and ant is 200-600 and bottom is 100-400. The 1.4x on the 600 gives reach but makes things softer, e.g., the hummingbird isn't that sharp. Last hummingbird pic is cropped full frame with 100-400. Macro shots I can go fullframe on a hummingbird's head and see my reflection in its eyes. I haven't tried the 1.4 with a prime, but on non-primes I notice differences with hummingbirds and other birds. It becomes more noticeable when further away. My friend took his 1.4 off his 600 prime and got better results. Only time 1.4x and 2x look good is with my a7III, otherwise it looks bad on 7R5. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you and I'll do my best. Since you like ducks, I included a mandarin. Happy New Year to you and everyone :-).



  4. I just purchased two A7RV bodies and one of them seems to be defective. Images are soft and the sensor never settles upon firing the shutter. It seems to bounce around and never really stop moving. Luckily the store I purchased from is swapping it out for another one. Are you seeing similar issues with the sensor?

    What lenses are you using with the A7RV? Does it keep blurring out and focusing in one objects? I don't think I have experienced that with my 7Rv.Here is a hummingbird shot I took with my 7RV and 100-400 GM. Only issue I have had is that teleconverters are worse then just cropping.


  5. Did you use the 24/7 number? Do the files transfer to the A7R5 or do you get error codes? I know this isn't a fix, but do you have any friends willing to let you use their laptop/computer to transfer? Do you have any issue with accessing your photos with the A7R5 when it is attached to your laptop? I had issue with one of the USB cables and had to go usb c to usb c to get it to work. From what a rep told me, the update on the 200-600 was mainly video related. Shooting with a A7R5 and tracking is great, but produced mixed images. It may just be me trying to figure out the settings. Will be shooting with a 100-400 GM lens to compare.

  6. Best advice is to check out the shooting location, seating arrangement, lighting situation, and talk with the couple to see what their expectations are and go from there. To some extent, consider your artistic approach, as you may find yourself outside of your element if you integrate foreign lens last minute. I use the Tamron 70-180 for when I am not shooting wildlife. I like the quality and still has nice reach. It's compact which is a plus. I've taken picture of people and animals in motion with it and haven't noticed any issues. I like to shoot in silent mode, but there are trade offs like with most things. Good luck to you at the wedding.

  7. Thanks for sharing with the community. Imposter syndrome can be crippling, especially for those starting out or that have low self-esteem. Gets better as you develop healthy habits. Once you get over that, the down side of the dunning kruger effect kicks in as you learn, you realize how little you know. As you say acceptance is key. Keep moving forward. One step at a time and deliberate practice pay off in the long run. 

  8. Call the Sony Alpha Pro line and speak to Glenn, he is the know-all be-all of Sony's products. If he can't get it fixed for you than it's a dud. 

    I can't figure out the issue. Will be sending lens and camera in. Got a 100-400 GM to play to try out my A7R5 with. Hoping the results are alot better.

  9. I got my A7RV yesterday and will be shooting with that lens on Sunday. Love that lens and haven't had issues. Calling Sony Alpha Pro support is a good call.

    I actually was able to talk with a rep in person today and tried another 200-600 lens. Same issue. My A7R4 just seemed to have better success rate before I dropped it then my A7R5. Got a 100-400 GM lens, so interested to see if I get any different results with my A7R5 over that of my 200-600 lens.

  10. I have both the a7r5 and that lens on and haven't had any issues with it. So I'd definitely contact Sony to see if something is wrong. Good luck. 

    Do you have an A7R4 that you've tried with your lens? I'm having ok results with stationary on A7R5, but motion is not that great, especially when compared to my A73. 

  11. There is firmware upgrade for some of the lenses when used on the a7rv, including your 200-600

    Did that shortly after the update. I tested a new 200-600 and mine actually did better, so who knows. The RV for whatever reason just isn't getting the results I used to get with my RIV. It's strange as the autofocus is tracking properly and the display is sharp, but actual picture is not.

  12. Did you just use a dry cloth or did you use any products to clean the connectors? Pins on the camera look all good (I hope, the body is fairly new!) but there is potentially a bit of wear on the first connector on the lens. Thanks a lot, will swap about lenses when I get home 😊

    Rubbing alcohol and qtip then a screen cloth to remove any residual material left behind.

  13. I just got my A7RV today and have been trying it out with my 200-600 Sony lens. I also tried with my 1.4 and 2x teleconverters. The pictures have a soft focus; the images were not sharp and detail in bird's feathers were lacking. Detail for humans also seemed to be lacking, e.g., fuzzy clothing. The 4k video I took was great quality which makes things more confusing.

    I previously dropped the lens when attached to my A7RIV. I had focus issues with the A7RIV and so will be sending in for repairs. I've been using the lens with my A7III and it seems to be working fine, even with the 1.4 and 2x teleconverters are attached. Not sure if damage could cause the lens to work for A7III but not the V.

    The firmware on the lens is update to date. The A7RV is correctly detecting subject. I turned off subject tracking and tried different modes but no luck. Turned off image stabilization on lens, etc.

    Any suggestions?



  14. I appreciate you sharing your wisdom with the group. I'm sure you have made a difference in many lives. Sometimes all it takes to get someone started is to provide an idea for them to run with. I must admit, I thought Vrbo was an animal and got more excited then I should have 😆. Learned something new. Thank you again for the new ideas.

  15. Once had a similar issue when using extension tubes with my A7III. I had to clean both connectors on the lens and camera body. Some adapters/lenses may wear down the connectors over time. Do any of the pins seem like they are recessed more than others? Did it give you an error code? I second tonygale's advice. Trying different lenses on your body and lens on a different body can help eliminate possibilities.

  16. What lenses\teleconverters are you using? I'm keeping my A7RIV as a backup but will be switching to a A7RV as my main. I use the 200-600 with 1.4x tele. Specs are better with the V, and I am hopping it will handle my 2x since shooting at F13. Inflight shots are nice, but I find myself shooting mainly hummingbirds sitting/stretching. Grip is great to have. The new screen on the V will be great as I'm finding myself bending my neck too much when shooting portrait; health benefit and utility worth price. Until I try out the V, I can't say. Reviews I have seen say the autofocus is great, so may be best options unless you want to pay more to get the A1. My suggestion, unless you are in a hurry, wait till you can rent/burrow the V and IV together. Try them out doing what you typically do and see how they compare for you. Do a cost/benefit analysis and choose accordingly. Feel free to ask any question you may have, and I do my best to answer them. Best of luck in your photography.

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