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Katrina Thompson

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  1. It was a first for me. I had never had the opportunity to photograph the Northern Lights before, and man, it was incredible! All the photos were taken from my backyard and a nearby beach in Nova Scotia. It was a night I'll never forget.
  2. On the last new moon this month, my family and I visited our favorite lighthouse, Cape Forchu, in Nova Scotia. We enjoyed watching the sunset and patiently waited for the Milky Way to appear a little after the blue hour. I used my Photopills app to determine where the Milky Way would be visible in relation to the lighthouse. With my Sony a7iii and my 16-35mm F2.8 lens, I was able to capture some of the most spectacular skies I've ever witnessed!
  3. I have been thoroughly enjoying experimenting with colours while editing. Here are a few wildlife photos I recently edited in Lightroom. The hummingbird photo isn't as clear as I would have liked; however, I love its front-facing pose.
  4. It's tough to choose one; my favourites are wildlife, landscape, and macro. I started with landscape originally but then realized how challenging wildlife photography is and how macro allows for more creativity.
  5. One stunning night in Nova Scotia, Canada, I captured a moment between my husband and son as they gazed in awe at the Milky Way for the first time together. Our adventure included camping under the vast sky and waking up in the silence of the night to witness the stars in all their glory at a dark skies community.
  6. This photo was captured off the Coast of the Atlantic Ocean during the golden hour last week. It was shot with a Sony a7III and a Sony 16-35mm f/2.8 G Master lens.
  7. These are really great @bmcdonough I love the Spring and Summer for macro photography; there is an abundance of colour and insects. Here are a few of my favourites.
  8. Thank you so much, Caroline! That means a lot coming from you.
  9. Photographing flowers is fascinating. I enjoy capturing the vibrant colors, intricate textures, and blurred backgrounds. Although I haven't photographed many, it's a subject that deeply interests me. Here are a few of my favourite flower images from the past year.
  10. In the past year, I've developed a newfound passion for bird photography. It was when I purchased my first 600mm lens that I became fascinated by these incredible creatures. I have captured a few photos of them, and here are some of my favourites. The owl is my all-time favourite bird species, and I photographed it last January just outside of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. Both eagles were photographed during my visit to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. While capturing these beautiful creatures, I've had my fair share of failures and challenges, given their fast and unpredictable nature. However, I love the thrill of bird photography and the excitement of trying to capture the perfect shot.
  11. One of my primary goals as a photographer for 2024 is to hone and develop my skills in wildlife photography specifically. Over the next years, I plan to upgrade my gear and equipment to ensure I have everything I need to capture high-quality images of animals in their natural habitat. I also want to spend more time in nature, observing and learning about the different species and their behaviours to anticipate better and capture those perfect moments. This was captured last week in Fundy National Park, New Brunswick. I'm excited to take on this challenge and see where it takes me in my photography journey!
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