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  1. Ho selezionato altro perché mi sento limitato in un unico genere. Sarò controtendenza ma non ho un genere preferito, ma piú di uno. Amo lo Still Life, i Ritratti, il Macro e la fotografia giornalistica. Per mia natura, limitarmi ad un'unica cosa mi annoia 😁
  2. Se devo limitarmi ad una sola lente, scelgo il 90mm macro perché posso scegliere di stare lontano quanto estremamente vicino dal soggetto. Credo quindi sia la lente, tra quelle indicate, che lasci piú possibilità d'azione. ~ If I have to limit myself to just one lens, I choose the 90mm macro because I can choose to be far away or extremely close to the subject. I therefore believe it is the lens, among those indicated, that leaves the most possibilities for action.
  3. Water but also a few coins for a coffee, as an Italian I don't know how to live without a proper espresso 😁
  4. Many things on my list 😂 But I feel urgent about the 35mm f/1.4 and the 50mm f/1.4 What do you say, Santa Claus, are you coming early? 😂🧑‍🎄
  5. Many have discussed this topic and I note that (except for the fanatics) everyone agrees here in Italy too that Sony has literally made a revolution in the sector and that it all started with the A6000 (which I still own and was my first camera ). Obviously maximum respect for all brands but, as they say here: "class is not water" and Sony has demonstrated that it has quality and continues to be at the top of the podium for innovation.
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