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Dennis Cairns

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  1. Does Sony have an official request for enhancement email address? I realize one users request isn’t going to do anything but wanted to add a voice to having Sony consider adding what I would think would be a firmware update…. Provide the ability on the A9iii to choose cont. shooting speeds other than the what is currently provided…specifically 40 and 50 FPS. 60 is a little too much for field sports like soccer and 30 sometimes not enough like on a header to get the best composition…would like 40 or 50 which will also save memory card space and processing time. Thx
  2. Thx Jean for the insight! I was thinking the 300 2.8 with the 1.4tc (420/4) is my best bet to ever have a 400 prime as the 400 2.8 is just way out of reach and not as versatile as the 300 2.8 with extenders.
  3. Just a couple questions for Jean... 1. I saw your recent video series on B&H and you were using a Sony A1 and A93...can you share your thought process on when you use one Camera over the other? 2. In your equipment mentioned in the videos you did not have a 1.4 and/or 2x TCs...any reason in particular why? I have heard only great things about the TCs on the 300 2.8 so was surprised you did not have at least the 1.4TC so curious as to why not. Thanks for all your insight and effort!
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