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  1. Hi, I used the Ronin RS2 for the whole thing actually as the crew was minimal. I did use face tracking when the camera pushes in on the women when she realizes the guy is still following her. Also on the man spying through the windows. The rest was manual focus. I hope to share that project too, I honestly would've used the FX3 only for the next one but I strongly believe it should have shutter angle and/or variable shutter, better exposure tools such as a waveform or false color to be fully treated like an actual cinema camera. Eventhough the A1 doesn't have the exposure tools fully needed which I hope can be added to it too, it does have variable shutter for any situations where flicker needs to be precisly controlled. I also love the Super 35 mode on the A1 as it's downsampled from 5.8K vs FX3's 4K sensor.
  2. I recently completed "The Backpack" short film shot on the FX3. I will also be using the A1 for an upcoming thriller/horror feature film as the main camera and FX3 as a B-cam.
  3. I'm a previous owner of the FX6 but I'm loving the look and portability of the A1. Yes I'm willing to give up ND's, Cine EI etc. for this. I will be using it on an upcoming thriller but would like to see more cinema oriented features that other brands have at a lesser cost. I do know it's a photo first camera but hey there are no rules as far as the tools go: -Better exposure tools like a waveform -Not a big deal between 1/48 and 1/50 shutter but it is kind of annoying not having 1/48 as an option -8K 4:2:2 10bit at 60P if that's even possible even if it's limited to a few minutes -120FPS in Super 35 -Lut import Having owned the FX6, I know it's not a "cineline" camera but I now prefer the A1 even over the FX3 which I also own.
  4. Also loving the look of the A1, I will be using it for an upcoming feature film.
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