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  1. Hi Alister. I’ve been following you since the FS5 and Shogun Inferno and love using your amazing Venice lut for slog 2. That’s said, I am planning on taking back the fx30 today. Aside from the extra noise when using 120, I still feel that it produces significant noise when shooting indoors with adequate lighting on 4KS-I and ProRes Raw at 24 frames. I feel that the FS5 produces a much cleaner and less noisy image than the Fx30 indoors using the same lighting. Only difference is I’m shooting fs5 w/shogun inferno in slog2 and fx30 w/Atomos ninja V+ in slog 3. I bought the fx30 to be a direct upgrade from the FS5. Aside from all the bells and whistles that the fx30 brags about with a 6K sensor 16bit down to 4.7K 12bit, I didn’t expect my image quality to be better on the FS5. Are you having the same results or are you achieving a better image quality on the fx30 than on the fs5? Thank you for your time.
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