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  1. Hi all! I'm relatively new to Davinci Resolve and read quite a bit and watched a few videos about working in Color Management. My issue is that the result I get from Color Management is much different from what was shown when I was recording at the time. (I shoot on an FX6, cine EI mode. This particular shot was at ISO 12.800 EI 3.200. WB 3472K with the light I used being 3500). As you can see the image in CTB (which is the same as the preview in camera) is much warmer and overexposed as compared to the one in Resolve. I tried changing the Color management settings and they do make changes to the image but none of them seem to be similiar to the original in CTB. I read that it might be to do with monitor calibration but if that is the case surely it would affect both images (in resolve and CTB). My aim is just for resolve to display the image as I have shot it originally without changes. Thank you to anyone able to help!
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