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  1. Hello Sony community, my name is Mohamed Osam and I am a documentary photographer and filmmaker, based in Cairo, Egypt. With a passion for capturing the raw and candid moments of everyday life through my lens. As a street photographer, I am constantly on the hunt for the unique and unexpected, drawn to the energy and chaos of the streets. With my Sony camera by my side, I have been able to freeze these fleeting moments and tell stories that would otherwise go unnoticed. My goal is to showcase the beauty in the ordinary and to give a glimpse into the soul of the city. I am excited to share some of my street photography with you all and to hear your thoughts and feedback. Thanks for having me!   my portfolio     
  2. Street photography is a unique and challenging genre that requires a different set of skills than other types of photography. In this post, I'd like to share some lessons I've learned from my experience with street photography and how to approach people without interrupting them. First, it's important to remember that street photography is all about capturing candid moments. As a street photographer, you're not looking to stage scenes or direct your subjects. Instead, you're looking to capture real life as it unfolds. This means that you need to be prepared to act quickly and be able to anticipate moments before they happen. Another important lesson is to be respectful of your subjects. Street photography is a form of voyeurism, and it's important to remember that you're photographing real people going about their lives. It's important to be discreet and not interrupt or intrude on their personal space. A good way to do this is to use a long lens or zoom in and out from a distance. It's also important to be aware of your surroundings and to be aware of the culture and customs of the area you're photographing. Street photography can be a sensitive subject, especially in certain cultures, so it's important to be respectful and not offend anyone. Finally, it's important to be patient. Street photography is a slow process, and it's important to be patient and wait for the right moment. Remember that the best street photos are often the ones that you didn't expect to happen, so don't be afraid to take your time and wait for the right moment to capture. In conclusion, street photography is a unique and challenging genre that requires a different set of skills than other types of photography. It's important to be prepared, respectful, aware of your surroundings, and patient. Remember that street photography is all about capturing candid moments, so be prepared to act quickly and be able to anticipate moments before they happen.  
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