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  1. What are a few tips on helping people feel comfortable in front of the camera?
  2. Do you find that having creative friends and a community helps? Do you find yourself bouncing ideas off others when you first started or even now?
  3. If you could give advice to a creator who is just starting out, what would it be?
  4. Thank you so much for sharing all this great info!
  5. How do you use your images to inform people? I love the education you do on Instagram!
  6. Your photos have a distinct look, do you use presets?
  7. What drew you to bees and insects?
  8. I had no idea they weren't native!
  9. How much of your work is with an off camera flash?
  10. Hi Hannah! Thank you so much for being here! I was wondering how do you capture such small insects? I don't really understand it!
  11. How do you build and audience and then engage them enough to take action?
  12. If you had to choose one camera and lens to use for everything, what would it be and why??
  13. Do you have advice for a newbie looking to become a conservation photographer?
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