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LIVE AMA with Jean Fruth

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2 minutes ago, Alan Bloodgood said:

Jean -

 Thanks for taking the time to answer my question.  I will give it a try this Friday night at the next game




Please do! Reach out on social if I can be helpful.  Wishing you all the best!

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2 minutes ago, sowil said:

Another question if you have time. How important is finding a mentor? How do you pick the right one?

I have had great mentors throughout my career and continue to have them.  We are all students still learning! I don't believe you can have one mentor in your photography career.  You get different things from different people.  I have had mentors who helped me with sports photography, others who helped me with how to edit,  another who taught me about preparation and a very valuable mentor who taught me how to network and connect.  I may be great to help you with storytelling, but someone else can be better at helping you prepare to find that right job. I hope this makes sense. 

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1 minute ago, Jeanfruth said:

I have had great mentors throughout my career and continue to have them.  We are all students still learning! I don't believe you can have one mentor in your photography career.  You get different things from different people.  I have had mentors who helped me with sports photography, others who helped me with how to edit,  another who taught me about preparation and a very valuable mentor who taught me how to network and connect.  I may be great to help you with storytelling, but someone else can be better at helping you prepare to find that right job. I hope this makes sense. 

That makes sense! Thank you, Jean. 

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6 minutes ago, nodav said:

Who are some of the photographers or mentors that have inspired you, and why?

I have been very fortunate and continue to be, to have mentors who have helped me throughout my entire photography career.  Michael Zagaris taught me how to connect to subjects quickly and shoot pre-game in a very compelling way, Steve Fine, the former editor for Sports Illustrated moved the needle tremendously for me to become a good editor.  Neil Leifer, who is still shooting sports today has helped me with my books and now as I move into directing, has been a wonderful mentor to me.  And there are many others who have helped me along the way.  You get different things from different people.   We also have so much to learn from those that came before us.  Neil Leifer, Eli Reed, David Burnett.  Buy their books, study their work.  Legends!! 

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Thanks so much for joining us today.  Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if I can be helpful to you.  Wishing you all the best on your photography journey! 

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