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Everything posted by CarolineJensen

  1. That sounds like an amazing job! I have such a love for the theater.
  2. I have never tried Bay. I will have to order some test prints!
  3. I am pretty familiar with calibrating and profiles and I am yearning for that darkroom feeling too. I feel so disconnected from my work at times, or at least it is different than creating in a darkroom.
  4. That's a great idea to collect big prints for the next sale! I will look into DNP. Thanks!
  5. I am considering printing my own images, but I'm clueless about what printer to get. I don't plan tor print very large..mostly 8:10s. Do you print your own work? What printer do you have? I'd like to print on gorgeous papers. Also, what is your favorite print lab?
  6. What beautiful subjects! You are so lucky to have access to these beauties!
  7. Yes! I often advise people to have a concrete business lane, but never shut off the creative flow by honoring the other areas with fun shooting.
  8. I am an eclectic shooter too! I totally understand having a passion for everything!
  9. Oh man! I haven't used either of those lenses yet. I'm going to pretend I didn't read this, haha! No, seriously, I need to try them!
  10. I have a Fine Art America trouble is marketing! I wish I could hire that done, haha! I agree on the struggle to communicate too. The struggle is real!
  11. Have you ever used Photo Mechanic or something similar? I have that and used it when I had to cull through thousands of images. I think there are other similar products as well.
  12. Yes! I agree with all of these. It's a marathon sometimes.
  13. I would like to go back in time and photograph Princess Diana and tell her real story, in her own words. She was so tortured by the press, but I'd want to share the story she wanted shared.
  14. I am always curious if other photographers struggle with the same things I do. My biggest challenge right now is print sales. I used to sell prints/stock quite often, but lately things have been slower than I would like. I am considering my options for trying new avenues, including looking for someone to help me market and license my work. What do you struggle with and how are you going to tackle it?
  15. I had to pop in and say how much I love this image!
  16. I adore how you pulled out their unique personalities, but also honored your voice in the process. These are marvelous, dear!
  17. These shots are brilliant...I adore the storytelling and the power. They each made me pause and zoom in! Wonderful!
  18. I know the line between pro/hobbyist can sometimes become a little blurred as the landscape of photography shifts under the weight of our ever-changing world. I know Covid forced many to pivot, me included! I have fluctuated between regularly selling images for stock to teaching and speaking about photography, which is a bit of a peripheral endevor. Do you run a business making images? If so, what do you do? Do you also shoot for fun? Are you a happy hobbyist? What do you love to shoot? Have you ever thought of making it a business? Share your story below!
  19. I would say the 50GM and the 135GM are my absolute favorites!
  20. I was just wondering if they will let us have this wish!
  21. Just gorgeous! I sometimes I wish I lived your life! It must be so amazing standing in your shoes in such lovely places!
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