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The next round of National Geographic grants are due on April 11th. The storytelling grant is a fantastic way to support a passion project and conservation story. Many iLCP Fellows and other conservation storytellers have received this grant. There are three main factors I think is important to detail in your grant application:

  1. Why is this story important to tell? 
    1. for this, dive into the timeliness of the issue, the impact a story could have on the issue, etc. 
  2. Why are you the right person to tell this story?
    1. Make it clear that you are the one who should complete this project - this could be because of your past work and special skills, or the connections and relationships you've built. You may also point to the locality of the project - is its happening right in your community. Just making it clear that you are the best storyteller for this project. 
  3. How are you set up for success?
    1. Have you made contacts / relationships with key characters? Have you done adequate research? They want to fund people who they don't see as a huge risk, so making it clear that you have put in some groundwork to be successful is very important. 

Another tip is to be very clear in your writing and your narrative. Don't leave anything up for assumption or interpretation - remember, they aren't experts in the topic like you are, so they will need more context! 

Are any of you thinking about applying? If so, what projects would you work on? 

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  • 2 months later...

This is so cool. Thank you for sharing.

I would love to apply to grow a project I was part of in Guatemala last month. Would you have any suggestions for applications that combine conservation and education?

From the past eight months of working on the project, I have built relationships with the communities we worked with, which seems like it could help.

Are there any suggestions you would have for someone applying in my position?

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