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Everything posted by CarolineJensen

  1. My in-laws are in their 80s, but they go 'jam' every week with fellow musicians and I hear you about the light! My best tip is to just to look for those still moments, or at least when they are not wildly swaying, and use a slower shutter speed. I think strumming with slow shutter can be really impactful. Seriously though, this is a tough situation. A wedding photographer would just demand to light the scene. πŸ˜‚ One thing you might try is a long lens. Getting in close can be magical with musicians. You did great here with what you were given!
  2. Wide angle lenses are usually purchased for the big picture....landscapes, astro and the like. I love the close focusing distance! There is something about a wide angle that gives a 'bigger than life' appearance and makes details pop. I'm a struggling botanical photographer in winter in Minnesota. πŸ™‚ I have a few pansies in my greenhouse that are still alive and I'm enjoying the pink blush this time of year. I'm excited to use the 24 more! These were shot at f9 and I used an LED mat to light it on my left.
  3. That is about as close as I’d get. πŸ˜‚
  4. Oh goodness! Just the humidity alone and a fogged up lens! I did t know about the drops issue in front of swimmers. I wonder if the new AI focus works well with goggles?
  5. I use Adobe, but that is mostly because I’ve taught it so long. I adore the new masking functions!
  6. Is it ISO, aperture, shutter speed, or perhaps light? What part of photography with Sony challenges you the most?
  7. What challenges you the most? What do you kind of dread to shoot, but love the results? Share below! I find all night photography hard. I won't even bore you with my miserable failures, haha! I need to get better at astro photography as I have a good area for that, but coyotes scare me!
  8. I really love this series of cameras! It has always been my 'crafty camera' as I shot from far away and made art with it. I miss using it as my kids use it all the time. I want an updated version!
  9. I am eyeing the new 300, but that doesn't come out until spring. I think I want a Sony flash, but I am not sure which one!
  10. I think it depends. I would imagine the camera has going through quality control and thus would have shots on it already.
  11. also, for when you have to pass your camera to someone and they don't know the camera. I have done this!
  12. I also have a zenfolio site and their new backend is really easy! You can see my website here to get an idea:
  13. This is an oldie, but I still love it. It is my favorite full-sun technique, backlit-veining. This fly landed as I was shooting the veins of a leaf. I love the details and black and white really pops the details.
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