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Everything posted by CarolineJensen

  1. How adorable! I know what you mean. I have very little wall space in my house! My studio has a bit more, but my house is all doors and windows!
  2. I am always interested in what other photographers put on their walls. Do you put family images? Pictures made by other photographers? Art from the store? What is on YOUR walls? Share below! I just ordered this image HUGE. 🙂 I am actually testing it on a tapestry and I am going to use liquid starch to apply it as a wall mural, which is a trick I learned moving a million times. I used to 'wallpaper' rentals by soaking fabric in starch and using a squeegee to apply like wallpaper. It dries and looks like wallpaper, but peels off really easy and you just wash the fabric and use again later. We will see if this works! If anyone knows a source for cotton tapestries in the USA I would be grateful. So far, I have only found poly and I am not sure how well it will work.
  3. My favorite bokeh lens is the 50 1.2. I am a huge bokeh lover! Thank you for the great article!
  4. Tell me more about your diffuser. Is this the one you have to have made custom for your camera and lens combo?
  5. I love this view so much. I especially like the winding road image. It really shows the character of the area!
  6. I used to shoot a lot more food. I LOVE food photography!
  7. These are amazing! I love photographing bundt cakes!
  8. What would you include? I may have the opportunity next year to build a studio that I may also rent to other photographers in the area. If you had a study/house what would it look like? Decor? Paint colors? I really want to hear everyone's opinions!
  9. As a botanical photographer, the change of seasons can be really hard. I love the full bloom of summer, but I live in a place where winter shrouds my existence for seven months out of the year. I have learned to embrace the 'dead' stages of things. I have heard this type of photography referred to as 'lovely dead crap', which always makes me laugh! If you love to photograph nature, you might want to try photographing once-beautiful things this way. The curls of the dried petals always call to me. It is like a dance frozen in time.
  10. I have been doing a 'jpeg project' every year since 2010 or so. Way back then, jpegs were pretty terrible. Sony has given me a lot of options lately. Thank you to Tokyo for listening to me beg for more in-camera processing options! I am thoroughly in love with the Creative Looks that are available to us. My favorite is the 'IN' option, sometimes with fade and other times with it removed, plus warm white balance. This combo is not my typical style, which is deep depth-of-field with OCF, BUT it is super fun to go back to my shallow-depth-of-field-loving roots. 😂 The point of this project is to challenge myself to see what is around me and shoot within tight constraints. This includes shooting what is available, in available light and shooting with the understanding I won't be processing the images outside of cropping. I actually shoot with the square crop chosen in camera to aid this process. Are these up to my usual, as I am an obsessive editor, BUT I really enjoy the freedom this gives me. Constraints on creativity always spur on MORE creativity for me. 🙂 My hope is to let go of some of my perfectionism and appreciate nature with all of its imperfections---for a while anyway. 🙂
  11. I would love clubs around genre so we can connect with those shooting the same thing.
  12. What a perfect lens for these shots! I have been shooting sunflowers like crazy for a project and these are awesome!
  13. Very intense! Thank you for your service. I'm so glad photography is helping to let creativity heal (or at least buffer) so much trauma.
  14. Thank you for all of this! Very helpful. It's all tricky for sure!
  15. I love the gentle gradation of colors in that sunrise! Just gorgeous!
  16. These are so beautiful! I used to be terrified of bees and became a beekeeper to challenge my fear. Now I adore them!
  17. I love the early morning light here! My friend is a falconer and I have learned so much about these amazing birds.
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